XU Xu, CAO Zhi-yuan. Linear and Nonlinear Aerodynamic Theory of Interaction Between Flexible Long Structure and Wind[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2001, 22(12): 1299-1308.
Citation: XU Xu, CAO Zhi-yuan. Linear and Nonlinear Aerodynamic Theory of Interaction Between Flexible Long Structure and Wind[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2001, 22(12): 1299-1308.

Linear and Nonlinear Aerodynamic Theory of Interaction Between Flexible Long Structure and Wind

  • Received Date: 2000-09-06
  • Rev Recd Date: 2001-07-06
  • Publish Date: 2001-12-15
  • In light of the characteristics of the interactions between flexible structure and wind in three directions, and based on the rational mechanical section-model of structure, a new aerodynamic force model is accepted, i. e. the coefficients of three component forces are the functions of the instantaneous attack angle and rotational speed Ci=Ci(β(t),θ),(#em/em#=D,L,M). so, a new method to formulate the linear and nonlinear aerodynamic items of wind and structure interacting has been put forward in accordance with "strip theory" and modified "quasi-static theory", and then the linear and nonlinear coupled theory of super-slender structure for civil engineering analyzing are converged in one model. For the linear aerodynamic-force parts, the semi-analytical expressions of the items so called "flutter derivatives" corresponding to the one in the classic equations have been given here, and so have the nonlinear parts. The study of the stability of nonlinear aerodynamic-coupled torsional vibration of the Old Tacoma Bridge shows that the form and results of the nonlinear control equation in rotational direction are in agreement with that of V. F. Bhm's.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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