Citation: | LIU Huimin, PU Xueke. Modulation Approximation of a 2-Fluid System in Plasma[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(9): 944-954. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430007 |
A kind of 2-fluid system in plasmas describes rich plasma dynamics, including the interactions between the ion acoustic wave and the plasma body wave. In order to describe the evolution of the envelope of the small oscillating wave packet solution of the 2-fluid model, the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation was derived as a formal approximation equation with the multi-scale analysis method, and the uniform energy estimation of the error between the exact solution and the approximate solution to the 2-fluid model was given in the Sobolev space. The NLS approximation was finally proved strictly on the time-scale
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