2018, 39(8): 900-912.
doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.390041
The numerical calculation model for the continuous stratified flow was established through the study on the decaying process of the free pitching oscillation of the prolate spheroid in viscous stratified flow. The correctness of the numerical model was verified through numerical simulation of the viscous flow field of a sphere and calculation of its increasing drag coefficient. Under the 45° prolate spheroid initial angle the pitching oscillation process was investigated, with the Aitken sub-relaxation self-adaptive algorithm-based 2-way fluid-solid coupling method, and numerical simulation of the flow field around the prolate spheroid in pitching decaying oscillation at different values of Froude number Fri was performed. The numerical results show that, the pitching up and down agitates the surrounding fluid, and forms 4 symmetric density vortex rings on both sides of the prolate spheroid; the vertical density stratification limits vertical propagation of the vortex rings and accelerates disappearance of the vortex rings, and this limitation contributes to the development of horizontal motion. At higher Fri and Reynolds number Re,the 2-way coupling method suppresses numerical oscillations. The research also finds that, with the increase of the incoming velocity, the drag coefficient decreases, which means that for the prolate spheroid with free pitching oscillation, the phenomenon of negative drag still appears.