Study on Mechanical Properties of Barbed Contact Metamaterials
摘要: 受到一些植物茎部和部分猫科动物舌头上的倒刺结构在不同方向上表现出差异性的启发,该研究设计了一种可重复使用且易恢复的倒刺型超材料,并对其力学性能进行了理论分析和数值分析. 研究结果表明,在倒刺的往复运动中,当选取矩形截面高×宽为1 mm×1 mm,长为20 mm,且与竖直方向呈60°角的倒刺时,与阻挡凸台正向接触过程中的最大反力约为逆向接触过程中最大反力的20倍左右,而所消耗能量则相差约200倍. 当倒刺与竖直方向的角度减小时,倒刺结构吸收能量更多,恢复所需能量更少;当倒刺长度增大时,倒刺结构吸收能量减小,恢复时所需能量也减小. 这表明该结构具有出色的抗冲击性能和能量吸收能力,正逆向所需能量差异较大,结构更容易恢复,并且可以通过对倒刺角度和长度设计提升吸能效率.Abstract: Inspired by the differences in the barbed structures of some plant stems and cat tongues in different directions, a reusable and easy-to-recover barbed metamaterial was designed, with its mechanical properties analyzed theoretically and numerically. The results show that, in the reciprocating motion of the barbs, when the barb rectangular section sizes are 1 mm × 1 mm, the length is 20 mm, and the angle with the vertical direction is 60°, the maximum reaction force in the forward contact process with the blocking rib will be about 20 times of the maximum reaction force in the reverse contact process, and the former energy consumption is about 200 times of the latter. With the decrease of the angle between the barb and the vertical direction, the barb structure will exhibit a higher energy absorption capacity and a reduced energy requirement for recovery. Similarly, with the increase of the barb length, the structure energy absorption will be lower and the energy required for recovery will reduce. These characteristics indicate that, the structure possesses excellent impact resistance and energy absorption capacity. Structures with significant energy disparities between forward and backward motions are more easily recoverable, and the energy absorption efficiency can be enhanced by carefully designing the angles and lengths of the barbs.
Key words:
- bionic /
- anisotropic /
- metamaterial /
- energy absorption /
- easy recovery
表 1 吸能过程理论解与数值模拟凸台在不同位置时力的大小和凸台与倒刺脱离时的能量
Table 1. Theoretical solution of the energy absorption process and numerical simulation of the force of the rib in different positions and the energy of the rib at the moment of sepration from the barb
displacement D/mm 1 3 5 6 7 10 15 17.84(separation) Eint/mJ FFEM/mN 4.04 12.35 20.01 23.58 33.38 51.97 71.32 72.91 0.644 2 Ftheory/mN 4.01 12.18 19.71 23.14 32.52 51.06 69.95 70.22 0.627 9 relative error δ 0.007 0.013 0.015 0.019 0.026 0.027 0.029 0.037 0.026 表 2 恢复过程理论解与数值模拟凸台在不同位置时力的大小和凸台与倒刺脱离时的能量
Table 2. The theoretical solution of the recovery process and the numerical simulation of the force of the rib in different positions and the energy of the rib at the moment of sepration from the barb
displacement D/mm 1 1.5 2 2.14(separation) Eres/mJ FFEM/mN 1.53 2.56 4.03 4.52 0.003 30 Ftheory/mN 1.52 2.54 3.99 4.45 0.003 26 relative error δ 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.015 0.011 表 3 倒刺与竖直方向不同角度下吸能和恢复所用能量及比能耗
Table 3. The absorption and recovery of energy and specific energy consumption in barbed and vertical directions at different angles
angle φ/(°) 40 50 60 70 80 energy-absorption Eint/mJ 1.592 1 1.059 55 0.644 2 0.372 7 0.093 energy-recovery Eres/mJ 0.001 9 0.003 0.003 3 0.005 0.007 3 specific energy consumption Eint/Eres 837.95 353.18 195.21 74.54 12.74 表 4 不同倒刺长度的吸能和恢复所用能量及比能耗
Table 4. Energy absorption and recovery energy and specific energy consumption with different barb lengths
length L/mm 20 22 24 26 28 energy-absorption Eint/mJ 0.644 2 0.551 5 0.530 6 0.453 8 0.437 3 energy-recovery Eres/mJ 0.003 3 0.002 5 0.002 3 0.001 6 0.001 3 specific energy consumption Eint/Eres 195.21 220.60 230.70 283.63 336.38 -
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