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廖宇 钟贵勇 舒茂盛 柏林 江旭来

廖宇,钟贵勇,舒茂盛,柏林,江旭来. 激光增材制造金属材料疲劳寿命研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2023,44(2):201-208 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430319
引用本文: 廖宇,钟贵勇,舒茂盛,柏林,江旭来. 激光增材制造金属材料疲劳寿命研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2023,44(2):201-208 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430319
LIAO Yu, ZHONG Guiyong, SHU Maosheng, BAI Lin, JIANG Xulai. A Study on the Fatigue Life of the Laser Additive Manufactured Metallic Material[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(2): 201-208. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430319
Citation: LIAO Yu, ZHONG Guiyong, SHU Maosheng, BAI Lin, JIANG Xulai. A Study on the Fatigue Life of the Laser Additive Manufactured Metallic Material[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(2): 201-208. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430319


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430319

    廖宇(1990—),男,工程师,硕士(通讯作者. E-mail:610746336@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: O346.2

A Study on the Fatigue Life of the Laser Additive Manufactured Metallic Material

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  试验件形式(单位:mm):(a) 试件类型1;(b) 试件类型2;(c) 试件类型3;(d) 试件类型4

    Figure  1.  The shapes and dimensions of the specimens (unit: mm): (a)specimen type 1; (b) specimen type 2;(c) specimen type 3; (d) specimen type 4

    图  2  可靠度安全寿命曲线:(a) 铝合金;(b) 钛合金

    注 为了解释图中的颜色,读者可以参考本文的电子网页版本,后同。

    Figure  2.  Safety life curves with certain reliabilities: (a) AlSi10Mg; (b) TC4 ELI

    图  3  SLMed试件与TC4-DT锻件对比

    Figure  3.  Comparison of the SLMed TC4 ELI specimen and the TC4-DT forging specimen

    图  4  工业CT扫描缺陷(软件模拟计算截图):(a) 试件类型4,08号件;(b) 试件类型4,09号件

    Figure  4.  Scan defects by the industrial CT (screenshots of software simulation): (a) No.08 of specimen type 4; (b) No.09 of specimen type 4

    图  5  部分试件断口示意图:(a) 试件类型3正常起裂;(b) 试件类型1缺陷起裂;(c) 试件类型4正常起裂;(d) 试件类型3多裂纹源

    Figure  5.  Fractography of some specimens: (a) normal initiation in type 3; (b) defect initiation in type 1; (c) normal initiation in type 4; (d) multiple crack initiation in type 3

    表  1  AlSi10Mg粉末和TC4 ELI粉末的主要化学成分

    Table  1.   Main chemical compositions of the AlSi10Mg powder and the TC4 ELI powder

    mass fractionbalance9.0% ~ 11.0%0.2% ~ 0.5%< 0.55%< 0.45%< 0.15% 
    TC4 ELIellementTiVAlSnMoCuMn
    mass fractionbalance3.4% ~ 4.5%5.5% ~ 6.5%< 0.1%< 0.1%< 0.1%< 0.1%
    no more than 0.2% in total
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    表  2  试验矩阵

    Table  2.   The test matrix

    materialspecimentest spectrumstructural detail
    AlSi10Mgtype 1constant amplitude/LT=20%
    type 3random spectrumKt=1.37
    TC4 ELItype 2constant amplitude/LT=20%
    type 4random spectrumKt=5.10
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    表  3  试验结果

    Table  3.   Test results

    AlSi10MgTC4 ELI
    constant amplitude spectrum (N99.9/90 in cycles)type 112135 635type 231447 214
    11076 23228084 662
    type 320044 799type 460723 346
    19642 044 55239 926
    random spectrum (N99.9/90 in flight hour)type 11711 683type 25722 924
    1555 4615204 563
    1407 4494688 238
    type 32522 629type 49332 959
    2305 2818774 205
    2207 282 7865 239
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    表  4  拟合结果

    Table  4.   Fitting results

    materialspecimenstructural detailfitting equation
    AlSi10Mgtype 1LT=20%σ7.334= 5×1019 N
    type 3Kt=1.37σ7.522= 3×1021 N
    TC4 ELItype 2LT=20%σ5.170= 5×1017 N
    type 4Kt=5.10σ3.173= 8×1012 N
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    表  5  试件1疲劳分散性对比

    Table  5.   Comparison of fatigue scatter for specimen type 1

    logarithmic standard deviation0.1160.1150.201
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    表  6  试件4疲劳分散性对比

    Table  6.   Comparison of the fatigue scatter for specimen type 4

    materialspectrumσmax/MPanumberfatigue life (cycles)number of defects
    TC4 ELIconstant amplitude52405>100 00000
    08>400 000 (uncracked)4
    0972 0005
    1336 0000
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    表  7  试验件断口反推结果

    Table  7.   The inference results from the fractography of the specimens

    specimenmaterialtotal life (cycles)life of crack initiation (cycles)life of crack growth (cycles)growth life to total life
    fig. 5(a)AlSi10Mg115 000108 0007 0006.10%
    fig. 5(c)TC4 ELI455 000437 00018 0004.00%
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