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严浩源 赵天阳 刘晓川 丁肇豪

严浩源,赵天阳,刘晓川,丁肇豪. 计及多重阻塞的电动汽车移动储能特性建模 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(11):1214-1226 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430303
引用本文: 严浩源,赵天阳,刘晓川,丁肇豪. 计及多重阻塞的电动汽车移动储能特性建模 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(11):1214-1226 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430303
YAN Haoyuan, ZHAO Tianyang, LIU Xiaochuan, DING Zhaohao. Modeling of Electric Vehicles as Mobile Energy Storage Systems Considering Multiple Congestions[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(11): 1214-1226. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430303
Citation: YAN Haoyuan, ZHAO Tianyang, LIU Xiaochuan, DING Zhaohao. Modeling of Electric Vehicles as Mobile Energy Storage Systems Considering Multiple Congestions[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(11): 1214-1226. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430303


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430303
基金项目: 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室开放课题(LAPS21002)


    赵天阳(1989—),男,副教授,博士(通讯作者. E-mail:matrixeigs@gmail.com

  • 中图分类号: O29

Modeling of Electric Vehicles as Mobile Energy Storage Systems Considering Multiple Congestions

  • 摘要:

    为实现城市交通电力耦合系统在城市道路、充电设施、输电线路阻塞环境下的优化运行,提出了计及多重阻塞的动态交通电力流联合优化方法。首先,基于时空网络模型,提出了计及电动汽车移动、静止、充电、排队模式的队列时空网络模型,构建了适用于电动汽车的车辆调度模型,进而形成动态交通分配模型,以减少交通出行损失。其次,通过优化发电机组、储能等的出力和备用计划,计及城市电网安全、备用约束,构建了安全约束动态经济调度模型,以降低碳排放及发电成本。随后,形成多目标动态优化模型,并将其转换为混合整数凸二次规划问题。最后,在耦合IEEE-30、Sioux Falls系统中验证了所提模型的有效性。

  • 图  1  UCTPSs示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic of UCTPSs

    图  2  队列时空网络

    注 为了解释图中的颜色,读者可以参考本文的电子网页版本,后同。

    Figure  2.  Time-space networks with queues

    A1  测试系统2单线图

    A1.  Single line diagram for case 2

    图  3  不同情景下总充放电负荷曲线

    Figure  3.  Total charging/discharging load profile under different scenarios

    A2  情景1下的车队移动曲线

    A2.  Routine of electric vehicles fleets under scenario 1

    A3  情景6下的车队移动曲线

    A3.  Routine of electric vehicles fleets under scenario 6

    图  4  情景1和情景4下线路(3, 4)传输功率

    Figure  4.  Power flow on line (3, 4) under scenarios 1 and 4

    图  5  情景1和情景2下道路(1, 4)流量

    Figure  5.  Traffic flow on road (1, 4) under scenarios 1 and 2

    A4  测试系统2情景1下潮流分布图

    A4.  Power flow of case 2 under scenario 1

    A7  测试系统2情景6下车流分布图

    A7.  Traffic flow of case 2 under scenario 6

    A5  测试系统2情景1下车流分布图

    A5.  Traffic flow of case 2 under scenario 1

    A6  测试系统2情景6下潮流分布图

    A6.  Power flow of case 2 under scenario 6

    表  1  仿真情景设计

    Table  1.   Simulation scenarios

    scenarioroad congestioncharging congestionline congestion
    2capacities of roads (1, 2) and (1, 4) are reduced to 25% during 2:00—16:00
    3capacities of charging stations are 1 fleet during 0:00—24:00
    4capacities of lines (2, 4) and (3, 4) are reduced to 20% during 7:00—15:00
    5capacities of roads (1, 2) and (1, 4) are reduced to 25% during 2:00—16:00capacities of charging stations are 1 fleet during 0:00—24:00
    6capacity of roads (1, 2) and (1, 4) are reduced to 25% during 2:00—16:00capacities of charging stations are 1 fleet during 0:00—24:00capacities of lines (2, 4) and (3, 4) are reduced to 20% during 7:00—15:00
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    表  2  测试系统1各情景下计算结果

    Table  2.   Results under different scenarios for case 1

    scenariototal cost Ctotal/$generation cost Cgeneration/$carbon emission Mcarbon/tunmet traffic demand D
    1104 356.5468 517.911 396.384 900
    2108 356.4868 517.711 396.405 700
    3112 091.6967 626.851 473.506 500
    4115 984.5068 140.421 397.057 300
    5112 092.0967 628.231 473.386 500
    6120 024.6867 663.611 460.728 100
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    表  3  测试系统2各情景下计算结果

    Table  3.   Results under different scenarios for case 2

    scenariototal cost Ctotal /$generation cost Cgeneration /$carbon emission Mcarbon /tunmet traffic demand D
    1261 404.13175 428.5910588.120
    2287 652.67166 613.5111581.175400
    3263 758.63172 999.9110869.30500
    4271 298.96169 484.6312 292.40400
    5287 657.34167 446.1411479.215400
    6287 713.96167 626.1611464.015400
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    表  4  测试系统2情景1不同车队下的计算时间与差距

    Table  4.   CPU time and gap under different size of fleets in scenario 1 for case 2

    fleet numbercomputing time t/sgap δ/%
    16< 300.03
    20< 500.03
    28< 6000.6
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