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周杰 常学平 李映辉 邵永波

周杰,常学平,李映辉,邵永波. 基于同伦分析法的FGM输流管非线性频率分析 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2023,44(2):191-200 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430296
引用本文: 周杰,常学平,李映辉,邵永波. 基于同伦分析法的FGM输流管非线性频率分析 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2023,44(2):191-200 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430296
ZHOU Jie, CHANG Xueping, LI Yinghui, SHAO Yongbo. Nonlinear Frequency Analysis of FGM Pipes Based on the Homotopy Method[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(2): 191-200. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430296
Citation: ZHOU Jie, CHANG Xueping, LI Yinghui, SHAO Yongbo. Nonlinear Frequency Analysis of FGM Pipes Based on the Homotopy Method[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(2): 191-200. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430296


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430296
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51674216)


    常学平(1977—),男,副教授,博士(通讯作者. E-mail:xuepingch0952@sina.com

  • 中图分类号: O322

Nonlinear Frequency Analysis of FGM Pipes Based on the Homotopy Method

  • 摘要:

    该文基于同伦分析法研究了广义边界条件下含孔隙功能梯度材料(FGM)输流管道的非线性振动。基于FGM的幂律分布规律和Voigt模型来描述具有孔隙的FGM管道的材料特性。基于Euler-Bernoulli梁理论和von Kármán非线性理论,利用Hamilton变分原理,建立了含孔隙功能梯度流体输送管道的动力学控制方程和广义边界条件。采用同伦分析法求解了广义边界条件下的功能梯度流管道的非线性振动特性。数值结果表明:平移弹簧对失稳的临界流速影响不明显,而扭转弹簧则提高了失稳的临界流速,使系统更加稳定;在非线性系统中,黏弹性系数不会改变失稳临界流速;管道长度、幂律指数和孔隙率都会对FGM多孔输流管道的非线性自由振动有明显的影响。

  • 图  1  广义边界条件下输送流体的管道示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of a pipeline conveying fluid under generalized boundary conditions

    图  2  不同幂律指数下非线性频率随流速的变化

    Figure  2.  Variations of nonlinear natural frequencies with the fluid velocity under different power law indices

    图  3  不同孔隙率下非线性频率随流速的变化

    Figure  3.  Variations of nonlinear natural frequencies with the fluid velocity under different porosities

    图  4  不同黏弹性系数下非线性频率随流速的变化

    Figure  4.  Variations of nonlinear natural frequencies with the fluid velocity under different viscoelastic coefficients

    图  5  不同支撑平移弹簧刚度下非线性频率随流速的变化

    Figure  5.  Variations of nonlinear natural frequencies with the fluid velocity under different support spring stiffnesses

    图  6  不同扭转弹簧刚度下非线性频率随流速的变化

    Figure  6.  Variations of nonlinear natural frequencies with the fluid velocity under different rotating spring stiffnesses

    图  7  不同初始振幅下非线性频率随流速的变化

    Figure  7.  Variations of nonlinear natural frequencies with the fluid velocity under different initial amplitudes

    图  8  不同幂律指数下非线性频率随流体密度的变化

    Figure  8.  Variations of nonlinear natural frequencies with the fluid density under different power law indices

    图  9  不同孔隙率下非线性频率随流体密度的变化

    Figure  9.  Variations of nonlinear natural frequencies with the fluid density under different porosities

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