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林臻 吴九汇

林臻,吴九汇. 含间隙非线性弹性超材料的低频宽带机理 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(5):524-533 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430103
引用本文: 林臻,吴九汇. 含间隙非线性弹性超材料的低频宽带机理 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(5):524-533 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430103
LIN Zhen, WU Jiuhui. The Low-Frequency Broadband Mechanism of Nonlinear Elastic Metamaterials With Gaps[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(5): 524-533. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430103
Citation: LIN Zhen, WU Jiuhui. The Low-Frequency Broadband Mechanism of Nonlinear Elastic Metamaterials With Gaps[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(5): 524-533. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430103


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430103


    吴九汇(1970—),男,教授,博士,博士生导师(通讯作者.  E-mail:ejhwu@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O42

The Low-Frequency Broadband Mechanism of Nonlinear Elastic Metamaterials With Gaps

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  非线性碰撞振动系统

    Figure  1.  The nonlinear collision vibration system

    图  2  不同间隙下m2的相图及基体m1的位移响应频谱图:(a) 间隙为0.065 mm,m2相图;(b) 间隙为0.065 mm,m1频谱图;(c) 间隙为0.062 mm,m2相图;(d) 间隙为0.062 mm,m1频谱图;(e) 间隙为0.05 mm,m2相图;(f) 间隙为0.05 mm,m1频谱图;(g) 间隙为0.013 5 mm,m2相图;(h) 间隙为0.013 5 mm,m1频谱图

    Figure  2.  Phase diagrams of m2 and displacement response spectra of matrix m1 under different gaps: (a) gap is 0.065 mm, the m2 phase diagram; (b) gap is 0.065 mm, the m1 displacement response spectrum; (c) gap is 0.062 mm, the m2 phase diagram; (d) gap is 0.062 mm, the m1 displacement response spectrum; (e) gap is 0.05 mm, the m2 phase diagram; (f) gap is 0.05 mm, the m1 displacement response spectrum; (g) gap is 0.013 5 mm, the m2 phase diagram; (h) gap is 0.013 5 mm, the m1 displacement response spectrum

    图  3  间隙为0.1 mm线性系统m2的相图

    Figure  3.  Gap is 0.1 mm, linear system m2 phase diagram

    图  4  基体m1的位移响应频谱图:(a) 线性系统基体m1的位移响应频谱图;(b) 未混沌状态下非线性系统m1的位移响应频谱图;(c) 混沌状态下非线性系统m1的位移响应频谱图

    Figure  4.  Displacement response spectrograms of matrix m1: (a) the linear system m1 displacement response spectrum; (b) the displacement response spectrogram of nonlinear system m1 in the unchaotic state; (c) the displacement response spectrogram of nonlinear system m1 in the chaotic state

    图  5  局域共振弹性超材料结构:(a) 无间隙局域共振结构单元;(b) 含间隙局域共振结构单元

    Figure  5.  The local resonance elastic metamaterial structure: (a) the gapless LR structural unit; (b) the gapped LR structural unit

    图  6  第一Brillouin区

    Figure  6.  The 1st Brillouin zone

    图  7  局域共振结构带隙: (a) 无间隙局域共振结构的带隙;(b) 含间隙非线性局域共振结构的带隙;(c) 图(b)中带隙下界对应的放大图

    Figure  7.  Local resonance structure band gaps: (a) band gaps of gapless local resonance structures; (b) band gaps of gapped local resonance structures; (c) the enlarged view corresponding to the lower bound of the band gaps in fig. (b)

    图  8  间隙非线性弹性超材料板

    Figure  8.  The band gapped nonlinear elastic metamaterial plate

    图  9  非线性局域共振结构的带隙及传输率: (a) 弹性波的透射率;(b) 带隙

    Figure  9.  Band gaps and transmission rates of nonlinear local resonance structures: (a) the transmissivity of elastic waves; (b) band gaps

    图  10  非线性局域共振结构各个点的振型: (a) A点的模态;(b) B点的模态;(c) C点的模态;(d) D点的模态;(e) E点的模态;(f) F点的模态

    注 为了解释图中的颜色,读者可以参考本文的电子网页版本。

    Figure  10.  Mode shapes at various points of nonlinear LR structures: (a) point A modal; (b) point B modal; (c) point C modal; (d) point D modal; (e) point E modal; (f) point F modal

    图  11  间隙对非线性局域共振结构带隙的影响

    Figure  11.  Influences of gaps on the band gaps of nonlinear LR structures

    表  1  材料参数

    Table  1.   Material parameter

    materialYoung’s modulus E/GPaPoisson’s ratio νdensity ρ/(kg/m3)
    silicone rubber1.20.471300
    plumbum4.35 0.36811600
    perspex0.2 0.3891142
    aluminum7.2 0.352730
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