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张凯 王克用 齐东平

张凯, 王克用, 齐东平. 热传导问题杂交基本解有限元法虚拟源点的探究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(4): 431-440. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430077
引用本文: 张凯, 王克用, 齐东平. 热传导问题杂交基本解有限元法虚拟源点的探究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(4): 431-440. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430077
ZHANG Kai, WANG Keyong, QI Dongping. Research on the Fictitious Source Points of the Hybrid Fundamental Solution-Based Finite Element Method for Heat Conduction Problems[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(4): 431-440. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430077
Citation: ZHANG Kai, WANG Keyong, QI Dongping. Research on the Fictitious Source Points of the Hybrid Fundamental Solution-Based Finite Element Method for Heat Conduction Problems[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(4): 431-440. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430077


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430077

上海市自然科学基金项目 19ZR1421400


    张凯(1996—),男,硕士生(E-mail: kai_zhangly@163.com)


    王克用(1975—),男,副教授,博士(通讯作者. E-mail: keyong_wang@126.com)

  • 中图分类号: O242.21;O343.1

Research on the Fictitious Source Points of the Hybrid Fundamental Solution-Based Finite Element Method for Heat Conduction Problems

  • 摘要: 针对热传导问题,提出了杂交基本解有限元法. 首先,假设两个独立场:一个为利用基本解线性组合近似的单元域内温度场,另一个为使用与传统有限元法相同形式的辅助网线温度场. 然后,利用修正变分泛函将上述两个独立场关联起来,并导出有限元列式. 然而,该方法的准确性很大程度上取决于源点的分布和数量,通常将源点布置在单元外部两种虚拟边界上:与单元相似的边界和圆形边界. 此外,还提出了双重虚拟边界,并与上述两种源点布局方式进行对比. 通过两个典型数值算例,验证了该文方法在不同源点布局下的有效性和对网格畸变的不敏感性.
  • 图  1  源点配置方式

    Figure  1.  Configurations of source points

    图  2  典型四节点单元和单元边形函数

    Figure  2.  A typical 4-node element and the element side shape functions

    图  3  正方形板与有限元网格

    Figure  3.  A square plate and the finite element meshes

    图  4  不同源点数目的四节点单元

    Figure  4.  A 4-node element with different numbers of source points

    图  5  无量纲参数λ对计算精度的影响

    Figure  5.  Effects of dimensionless parameter λ on the computation accuracy

    图  6  无量纲参数λ对矩阵He条件数的影响

    Figure  6.  Effects of dimensionless parameter λ on the condition number of matrix He

    图  7  网格畸变方案

    Figure  7.  Mesh distortion schemes

    图  8  畸变程度ψ对计算精度影响

    Figure  8.  Effects of distortion parameter ψ on the computation accuracy

    图  9  网格密度对计算精度的影响

    Figure  9.  Effects of the mesh density on the computation accuracy

    图  10  偏心环空与有限元网格

    Figure  10.  An eccentric annulus and the finite element meshes

    图  11  偏心环空温度u的等值线图

    Figure  11.  Contour plots of temperature u in the eccentric annulus

    图  12  单元形心处温度u沿周向的变化

    Figure  12.  Variations of temperature u at element centroids along the circumferential direction

    图  13  单元形心处热流分量qx1qx2沿周向的变化

    Figure  13.  Variations of heat flux components qx1 and qx2 at element centroids along the circumferential direction

    表  1  选择点处温度u的计算结果

    Table  1.   Computation results for temperature u at the selected points

    x1 x2 source point type HFS-FEM ABAQUS
    2×2 mesh 4×4 mesh 6×6 mesh 8×8 mesh 25×25 mesh
    0.02 0.48 1 40.375 3 40.410 3 40.418 2 40.420 7
    2 40.375 3 40.410 3 40.418 2 40.420 7 40.422 1
    3 40.403 3 40.417 4 40.420 1 40.421 1
    0.1 0.1 1 48.027 5 48.102 9 48.119 0 48.119 9
    2 48.027 5 48.102 9 48.119 0 48.119 9 48.123 8
    3 48.027 7 48.107 0 48.116 2 48.119 7
    0.34 0.44 1 41.304 1 41.453 3 41.479 8 41.480 2
    2 41.304 1 41.453 3 41.479 8 41.480 2 41.487 0
    3 41.286 2 41.447 3 41.479 7 41.487 8
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    表  2  选择点处热流分量qx2的计算结果

    Table  2.   Computation results for heat flux component qx2 at the selected points

    x1 x2 source point type HFS-FEM ABAQUS
    2×2 mesh 4×4 mesh 6×6 mesh 8×8 mesh 25×25 mesh
    0.02 0.48 1 20.180 5 20.882 7 21.002 7 21.044 3
    2 20.180 5 20.882 6 21.002 7 21.044 3 21.097 4
    3 20.111 2 20.863 1 21.010 0 21.062 4
    0.1 0.1 1 19.710 3 18.918 4 19.091 4 18.908 6
    2 19.710 3 18.918 4 19.091 5 18.908 6 18.931 8
    3 19.731 5 19.105 3 18.922 1 18.929 5
    0.34 0.44 1 21.594 2 24.337 3 24.853 8 24.148 8
    2 21.594 2 24.337 3 24.853 8 24.148 7 24.469 7
    3 21.446 9 23.796 8 23.991 0 24.084 1
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    表  3  CPU时间的对比

    Table  3.   Comparation of the CPU time

    method element CPU time tCPU/s
    HFS-FEM (type 3) 78 0.07
    ABAQUS 78 0.1
    300 0.2
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