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郭凡 杨操 郭锐 姜炜

郭凡,杨操,郭锐,姜炜. 超轻碳气凝胶的机械鲁棒性增强策略及其应用 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(5):499-514 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430062
引用本文: 郭凡,杨操,郭锐,姜炜. 超轻碳气凝胶的机械鲁棒性增强策略及其应用 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(5):499-514 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430062
GUO Fan, YANG Cao, GUO Rui, JIANG Wei. Enhancement Strategies for Mechanical Robustness of Carbon Aerogels and Their Applications[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(5): 499-514. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430062
Citation: GUO Fan, YANG Cao, GUO Rui, JIANG Wei. Enhancement Strategies for Mechanical Robustness of Carbon Aerogels and Their Applications[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(5): 499-514. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430062


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430062
基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费(30920041106);中国博士后科学基金(2021M690134);江苏省自然科学基金(BK20210353)



    姜炜(1974—),男,研究员,博士(通讯作者. E-mail:climentjw@126.com

  • 中图分类号: O341

Enhancement Strategies for Mechanical Robustness of Carbon Aerogels and Their Applications

  • 摘要:

    作为一种轻质多孔材料,碳气凝胶是一类具有高孔隙率、低密度和优异环境稳定性的碳质多功能固体材料,这些独特性能的结合使得它们在柔性传感器、能源设备、声学设备和环境保护等领域得到广泛应用。然而,在现有多孔材料中普遍存在着机械鲁棒性和稀疏三维网络结构间的矛盾。良好的鲁棒性可以确保气凝胶在应用过程中的结构完整性和性能稳定性,而稀疏三维网络结构则是确保气凝胶材料轻质多孔的结构前提,这一矛盾是材料科学、固体力学和设计应用等诸多领域研究者面临的共同挑战。该文综述了常见的国内外超轻碳气凝胶的鲁棒性增强策略,包括细胞壁(cell wall)增强、细胞壁取向调控、细胞壁拓扑结构设计和结点强化(joint reinforcement)。此外,该文总结了在不引入高分子弹性体的情况下实现超轻全碳气凝胶的拉伸弹性的设计原则,简要概述了高鲁棒性碳气凝胶的新应用,并对该领域尚待解决的问题提出了展望。

  • 图  1  影响碳气凝胶机械鲁棒性的基本要素

    Figure  1.  The underlying principles determining mechanical robustness of carbon aerogels

    图  2  细胞壁增强:(a)厚石墨烯细胞壁形成机理示意图;(b)硼酸盐交联对石墨烯自组装影响示意图;(c)石墨烯和碳纳米管协同组装结构单元示意图

    Figure  2.  Cell wall strengthening: (a) schematics of the formation mechanism of the thick graphene cellular walls; (b) schematics of the borate crosslinking and bridging effects on graphene self-assembly; (c) schematics of idealized building cells made by synergistic assembly of graphene and carbonnanotubes

    图  3  细胞壁取向:(a)碳气凝胶中的软木结构; (b)海棠茎的多尺度结构; (c)长程层状多拱微结构; (d)径向中心对称结构与螺旋结构

    Figure  3.  Cell wall orientations: (a) the top view and the side view of cork-like structures in the CA monolith; (b) the multiscale architecture of the Thalia dealbata stem; (c) the lamellar multi-arch microstructure with long-range alignment; (d) the radial and centrosymmetric structure and the spiral structure

    图  4  调节孔隙网络拓扑结构的表面活性剂发泡方法:(a) 表面活性剂-发泡法从乳化、单向冷冻到冷冻干燥的结构演变; (b) 微流体过程产生的微型球形实心壳气泡及其三维组装示意图

    Figure  4.  A surfactant foaming method to regulate the pore network topology: (a) structural evolution of the surfactant foaming method from emulsification, unidirectional freezing to freeze drying; (b) the diagram of micro spherical solid shell bubbles produced via the microfluidic process and its 3D assembly

    图  5  具有负Poisson比(NPR)和负热膨胀系数(NTEC)的双窗格双曲多孔结构气凝胶

    Figure  5.  An aerogel with a doubly paned hyperbolic porous structure showing a negative Poisson’s ratio (NPR) and a negative thermal expansion coefficient (NTEC)

    图  6  3D 打印气凝胶梯度多孔结构

    Figure  6.  A 3D printed aerogel and its gradient porous structure

    图  7  碳纳米管内结构随应变变化的示意图

    Figure  7.  The schematic description of the change in in-tube structure with strain

    图  8  3D 打印微晶格和皱缩细胞壁

    Figure  8.  The 3D printed microlattice and crumpled cell walls

    9  高鲁棒性碳气凝胶的应用:(a) 应变传感器响应图;(b) 压力传感器响应图;(c) 磁传感器响应图;(d) 磁驱动示意图;(e) 场致应变随磁场强度变化图;(f) 电激活压缩和恢复的形状记忆行为;(g) 碳气凝胶电极的驱动机制示意图;(h) 四驱动臂抓斗机器人工作示意图;(i) 电阻随拉伸应变变化图;(j) 电阻与曲率半径关系图;(k) 导体在拉伸、扭曲、弯曲和挤压过程中的电阻变化

    9.  Applications of robust carbon aerogels: (a) the strain sensor response; (b) the pressure sensor response; (c) the magnetism sensor response; (d) the diagram of the magnetic actuation; (e) field-induced strains as a function of the magnetic field intensity; (f) electrically activated shape-memory behaviors of compression and recovery; (g) the schematic diagram of actuation mechanism of the carbon aerogel electrode; (h) operations of a grapple robot consisting of 4 actuator arms; (i) the resistance vs. the tensile strain; (j) the resistance vs. the radius of curvature; (k) the conductor resistance changes during stretching, twisting, bending and pressing

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