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张尚元 聂玉峰 李义强

张尚元,聂玉峰,李义强. RBF-PU方法求解二维非局部扩散问题和近场动力学问题 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(6):608-618 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420295
引用本文: 张尚元,聂玉峰,李义强. RBF-PU方法求解二维非局部扩散问题和近场动力学问题 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(6):608-618 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420295
ZHANG Shangyuan, NIE Yufeng, LI Yiqiang. The RBF-PU Method for Solving 2D Nonlocal Diffusion and Peridynamic Equations[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(6): 608-618. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420295
Citation: ZHANG Shangyuan, NIE Yufeng, LI Yiqiang. The RBF-PU Method for Solving 2D Nonlocal Diffusion and Peridynamic Equations[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(6): 608-618. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420295


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420295
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(面上项目)(11971386);国家重点研发计划(2020YFA0713603)


    聂玉峰(1968—),男,教授,博士,博士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail:yfnie@nwpu.edu.cn)


  • 中图分类号: O242.2

The RBF-PU Method for Solving 2D Nonlocal Diffusion and Peridynamic Equations

  • 摘要:

    采用单位分解径向基函数(radial basis function partition of unity,RBF-PU)方法,数值求解了二维非局部扩散问题和近场动力学问题。主要思想是对求解区域进行局部划分,在局部子区域上分别进行函数逼近,然后加权得到未知函数的全局逼近。这种基于方程强形式的径向基函数方法在求解非局部问题时,不需要处理网格与球形邻域求交的问题,避免了额外的一层积分计算,实施简便,计算量小。数值实验显示计算结果与解析解吻合较好,RBF-PU方法可以准确有效地求解非局部扩散方程和近场动力学方程。

  • 图  1  无网格点和PU覆盖示意图

    Figure  1.  A set of regular meshless points and a set of circular PU patches

    图  2  极坐标变换

    Figure  2.  Polar transformation

    图  3  均匀离散无网格点的分布和非局部扩散方程矩阵结构:(a) 无网格点分布和单位分解划分; (b) 矩阵结构

    Figure  3.  The distribution of points and the matrix structure of nonlocal diffusion under uniform discretization: (a) the distribution of meshless points and PU patches;(b) the matrix structure

    图  4  Halton离散下点的分布和非局部扩散方程矩阵结构:(a) Halton 点的分布和单位分解划分;(b) 矩阵结构

    Figure  4.  The distribution of points and the matrix structure of nonlocal diffusion under Halton discretization: (a) the distribution of Halton points and circular PU patches; (b) the matrix structure

    图  5  均匀离散下非局部扩散方程数值解和误差分布:(a) 数值解; (b) 误差分布

    Figure  5.  The numerical solution and the error distribution for the nonlocal diffusion equation under uniform discretization: (a) the numerical solution; (b) the error distribution

    图  6  Halton离散下非局部扩散方程的数值结果和误差分布图:(a) 数值解; (b) 误差分布

    注 为了解释图中的颜色,读者可以参考本文的电子网页版本,后同。

    Figure  6.  The numerical solution and the error distribution for the nonlocal diffusion equation under Halton discretization: (a) the numerical solution; (b) the error distribution

    图  7  均匀离散下无网格点的分布和近场动力学方程矩阵结构:(a) 无网格点分布和单位分解划分; (b) 矩阵结构

    Figure  7.  The distribution of points and the matrix structure for the peridynamic equation under uniform distribution: (a) the distribution of meshless points and circular PU patches; (b) the matrix structure

    图  8  近场动力学方程$x$方向数值解和误差分布:(a) 数值解; (b) 误差分布

    Figure  8.  The numerical solution and the error distribution of the peridynamic equation in the $x$ direction: (a) the numerical solution; (b) the error distribution

    图  9  近场动力学方程$y$方向数值解和误差分布:(a) 数值解; (b) 误差分布

    Figure  9.  The numerical solution and the error distribution of the peridynamic equation in the $y$ direction: (a) the numerical solution; (b) the error distribution

    表  1  均匀离散非局部扩散方程数值结果($\delta = 0.2$)

    Table  1.   Numerical results of the nonlocal diffusion equation under uniform discretization ($\delta = 0.2$)

    h${\varepsilon _{\max } }$${\varepsilon _{ {\rm{RMSE} } } }$${\varepsilon _{ {\rm{RE} } } }$$N$$t/{\rm{s}}$
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    表  2  离散非局部扩散方程的数值结果($\delta = 0.2$)

    Table  2.   Numerical results of the nonlocal diffusion equation under Halton discretization ($\delta = 0.2$)

    $h$${\varepsilon _{\max } }$${\varepsilon _{ {\rm{RMSE} } } }$${\varepsilon _{ {\rm{RE} } } }$$N$$t/{\rm{s}}$
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    表  3  模型的$x$方向位移的数值解$u_{1}$($\delta = 0.2$)

    Table  3.   Numerical results of displacement in the $x$ direction for the peridynamic model $u_{1}$ ($\delta = 0.2$)

    h${\varepsilon _{\max } }$${\varepsilon _{ {\rm{RMSE} } } }$${\varepsilon _{ {\rm{RE} } } }$$N$$t/{\rm{s}}$
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    表  4  模型的$y$方向位移数值解$u_{2}$ ($\delta = 0.2$)

    Table  4.   Numerical results of displacement in the $y$ direction for the peridynamic model $u_{2}$ ($\delta = 0.2$)

    h${\xi _{\max } }$${\xi _{ {\rm{RMSE} } } }$${\xi _{ {\rm{RE} } } }$$N$$t/{\rm{s}}$
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