Study for the Bifurcation Topological Structure and the Global Complicated Character of a Kind of Non-Linear Finance System(Ⅰ)
摘要: 首先从一类复杂金融系统的数学模型出发,分析这一模型所反映的我国宏观金融系统运行中可能出现的各种情况:平衡、稳定周期、分形、Hopf分岔、参数与Hopf分岔之间的关系、直到混沌运动等。通过理论分析和数值模拟计算来研究模型中各参数的变化情况,然后依此来分析这类金融系统局部产生复杂行为的条件,以及某一参数的变化对宏观经济政策的调整及对整个金融系统行为的影响情况,这一研究将有助于加深人们对各种金融政策杠杆作用的理解。Abstract: Based on the mathematical model of a kind of complicated financial system,all possible things that the model shows in the operation of our country s macro-financial system were analyzed, such as balance,stable periodic,fractal,Hopf-bifurcation,the relationship between parameters and Hopf-bifurcations,and chaotic motion etc.By the changes of parameters of all economic meanings, the conditions on which the complicated behaviors occur in such a financial system,and the influence of the adjustment of the macro-economic policies and adjustment of some parameter on the whole financial system behavior were analyzed.This study will deepen people s understanding of the lever function of all kinds of financial policies.
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