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倪云林 张希疆 于姜梅 沈良朵

倪云林, 张希疆, 于姜梅, 沈良朵. 斜坡叠加起伏海床对波浪反射的修正缓坡方程有限差分解[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(5): 606-621. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440255
引用本文: 倪云林, 张希疆, 于姜梅, 沈良朵. 斜坡叠加起伏海床对波浪反射的修正缓坡方程有限差分解[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(5): 606-621. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440255
NI Yunlin, ZHANG Xijiang, YU Jiangmei, SHEN Liangduo. Finite Difference Solution of the Modified Mild Slope Equation for Wave Reflection by a Slope With Superimposed Undulating Seabed[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(5): 606-621. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440255
Citation: NI Yunlin, ZHANG Xijiang, YU Jiangmei, SHEN Liangduo. Finite Difference Solution of the Modified Mild Slope Equation for Wave Reflection by a Slope With Superimposed Undulating Seabed[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(5): 606-621. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440255


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440255

国家自然科学基金 51879237

省属高校基本科研业务项目 2021JZ008


    张希疆(1998—),男,硕士生(E-mail: zhangxijiang@zjou.edu.cn)

    于姜梅(1986—),女,工程师,硕士(E-mail: 276754560@qq.com)


    倪云林(1986—),男,副教授,博士,硕士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail: oceannyl@zjou.edu.cn)

    沈良朵(1982—),男,讲师,博士,硕士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail: slduo@zjou.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: P731.22

Finite Difference Solution of the Modified Mild Slope Equation for Wave Reflection by a Slope With Superimposed Undulating Seabed

(Recommended by LIU Huanwen, M. AMM Editorial Board)
  • 摘要: 基于修正缓坡方程,建立了方程求解的有限差分模型,研究了斜坡叠加起伏海床对波浪的反射.首先,对波浪入射平面斜坡以及水平海床上单周期、双周期正弦沙纹的反射问题进行了验证,结果与他人的数值解、解析解及实验数据吻合较好,证明了该模型的正确性.接着,讨论了抛物形斜坡的上凸高度及下凸深度,斜坡叠加单周期正弦沙纹的数量、高度及长度,斜坡叠加双周期正弦沙纹的高度对波浪反射系数的影响.结果表明,反射系数随抛物形斜坡上凸高度的增大而减小,随下凸深度的增大而增大.斜坡叠加单周期正弦沙纹对波浪反射的规律与水平海床基本一致,相比水平海床Bragg共振相位下移的幅度随沙纹数量增加,先减小后保持不变的情况,斜坡叠加沙纹共振相位下移的幅度随沙纹数量增加先减小后增大.波浪入射斜坡叠加双周期正弦沙纹地形,随叠加的两个沙纹高度分别增加,Bragg共振峰值均相应地增加,共振带宽几乎不受影响,主振峰值的相位下移幅度减小,这与单周期沙纹中随沙纹高度增加,共振相位下移幅度更大的情况相反.对比发现:当固定沙纹的数量、长度、高度,不论是水平海床还是斜坡海床,双周期正弦沙纹对波浪的反射强度以及激发的共振带宽均大于单周期正弦沙纹,共振相位下移的幅度则小于单周期沙纹;斜坡叠加正弦沙纹对波浪的反射强度要大于水平海床,零反射的现象不再存在,主振峰值的相位下移幅度较水平海床更大.
    1)  (我刊编委刘焕文推荐)
  • 图  1  二维斜坡叠加起伏海床示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the 2D slope superimposed undulating seabed

    图  2  平面斜坡地形示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of the straight slope

    图  3  本文MMSE数值解与文献[6]中MMSE数值解的对比

    Figure  3.  Comparison between the present numerical solution of the MMSE and the numerical solution of the MMSE by ref. [6]

    图  4  水平海床单周期正弦沙纹地形示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of singly periodic sinusoidal sand ripples on the horizontal seabed

    图  5  本文MMSE数值解与Davies和Heathershaw[18]的实验数据以及Liu等[19]的MMSE解析解的对比


    Figure  5.  Comparison among the present numerical solution of the MMSE, the experimental data by Davies and Heathershaw[18], and the analytical solution of the MMSE by Liu et al. [19]

    图  6  本文MMSE数值解与Chamberlain和Porter[6]的MMSE数值解、Liu等[19]的MMSE解析解、Porter等[20]的MMSE数值解的对比

    Figure  6.  Comparison among the present numerical solution of the MMSE, the numerical solution of the MMSE by Chamberlain and Porter[6], the analytical solution of the MMSE by Liu et al. [19], and the numerical solution of the MMSE by Porter et al. [20]

    图  7  本文使用速度势连续和速度连续条件以及质量守恒跳跃条件的MMSE数值解与Liu等[19]的MMSE解析解的对比

    Figure  7.  Comparison between the present numerical solution of the MMSE with the velocity potential and velocity continuity conditions and the mass-conserving jump conditions, and the analytical solution of the MMSE by Liu et al. [19]

    图  8  水平海床双周期正弦沙纹地形示意图

    Figure  8.  Schematic diagram of doubly periodic sinusoidal sand ripples on the horizontal seabed

    图  9  本文MMSE数值解与Kirby[22]的EMSE数值解的对比

    Figure  9.  Comparison between the present numerical solution of the MMSE, and the numerical solution of the EMSE by Kirby[22]

    图  10  斜坡叠加抛物形地形示意图

    Figure  10.  Schematic diagram of a slope with a superimposed parabolic terrain

    图  11  斜坡叠加抛物形地形的上凸高度(或下凸深度)B对波浪反射系数KR的影响

    Figure  11.  Influences of upper convex height (or lower convex depth) B of the slope with a superimposed parabolic terrain on wave reflection coefficient KR

    图  12  斜坡叠加单周期正弦沙纹地形示意图

    Figure  12.  Schematic diagram of a slope with superimposed singly periodic sinusoidal sand ripples

    图  13  沙纹数量N对Bragg共振反射的影响,其中h1=6 m, b=1.5 m, d=12 m

    Figure  13.  Influence of the number N of sand ripples on Bragg resonance reflection, where h1=6 m, b=1.5 m, d=12 m

    图  14  沙纹高度b对Bragg共振反射的影响,其中h1=6 m, N=8, d=12 m

    Figure  14.  Influences of height b of sand ripples on the Bragg resonance reflection, for h1=6 m, N=8, d=12 m

    图  15  沙纹长度d对Bragg共振反射的影响,其中h1=6 m, N=4, b=1.5 m

    Figure  15.  Influences of length d of sand ripples on the Bragg resonance reflection, for h1=6 m, N=4, b=1.5 m

    图  16  斜坡叠加双周期正弦沙纹地形示意图

    Figure  16.  Schematic diagram of a slope with superimposed doubly periodic sinusoidal sand ripples

    图  17  沙纹高度b1b2对Bragg共振反射的影响,其中h1=6 m, N=4, d=8 m, m=1/2

    Figure  17.  Influences of heights b1 and b2 of sand ripples on the Bragg resonance reflection, for h1=6 m, N=4, d=8 m, m=1/2

    表  1  水平海床上单周期正弦沙纹对波浪Bragg共振反射的实验参数[18]

    Table  1.   Experimental parameters of Bragg resonance reflection of waves by singly periodic sinusoidal sand ripples on the horizontal seabed[18]

    h1/m N b/h1 d/m wave number k/m-1 relative water depth kh1
    0.156 4 0.32 1 0.5π≤k≤2.5π 0.245 0≤kh1≤1.225 2
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    表  2  水平海床上双周期正弦沙纹地形对波浪Bragg共振反射的数值参数[22]

    Table  2.   Numerical parameters of Bragg resonance reflection of waves by doubly periodic sinusoidal sand ripples on the horizontal seabed[22]

    h1/m N b1/h1 b2/h1 d/m m wave number k/m-1 relative water depth kh1
    0.156 4 0.32 0.32 1 1/2 0.5π≤k≤2.5π 0.245 0≤kh1≤1.225 2
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    表  3  单周期正弦沙纹数量N对Bragg共振反射影响的计算工况

    Table  3.   The calculation cases of the influences of number N by singly periodic sinusoidal sand ripples on the Bragg resonance reflection

    case N b/m d/m h3/m seabed slope
    1 1 1.5 12 6 0
    2 2 1.5 12 6 0
    3 3 1.5 12 6 0
    4 4 1.5 12 6 0
    5 5 1.5 12 6 0
    6 6 1.5 12 6 0
    7 7 1.5 12 6 0
    8 8 1.5 12 6 0
    9 9 1.5 12 6 0
    10 10 1.5 12 6 0
    11 1 1.5 12 5.76 1/50
    12 2 1.5 12 5.52 1/50
    13 3 1.5 12 5.28 1/50
    14 4 1.5 12 5.04 1/50
    15 5 1.5 12 4.80 1/50
    16 6 1.5 12 4.56 1/50
    17 7 1.5 12 4.32 1/50
    18 8 1.5 12 4.08 1/50
    19 9 1.5 12 3.84 1/50
    20 10 1.5 12 3.60 1/50
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    表  4  单周期正弦沙纹高度b对Bragg共振反射影响的计算工况

    Table  4.   The calculation cases of the influences of height b by singly periodic sinusoidal sand ripples on the Bragg resonance reflection

    case N b/m d/m h3/m seabed slope
    1 8 0.5 12 6 0
    2 8 0.8 12 6 0
    3 8 1.0 12 6 0
    4 8 1.2 12 6 0
    5 8 1.5 12 6 0
    6 8 0.5 12 4.08 1/50
    7 8 0.8 12 4.08 1/50
    8 8 1.0 12 4.08 1/50
    9 8 1.2 12 4.08 1/50
    10 8 1.5 12 4.08 1/50
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    表  5  单周期正弦沙纹长度d对Bragg共振反射影响的计算工况

    Table  5.   The calculation cases of the influences of length d by singly periodic sinusoidal sand ripples on the Bragg resonance reflection

    case N b/m d/m h3/m seabed slope
    1 4 1.5 8 6 0
    2 4 1.5 9 6 0
    3 4 1.5 10 6 0
    4 4 1.5 11 6 0
    5 4 1.5 12 6 0
    6 4 1.5 8 5.36 1/50
    7 4 1.5 9 5.28 1/50
    8 4 1.5 10 5.20 1/50
    9 4 1.5 11 5.12 1/50
    10 4 1.5 12 5.04 1/50
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    表  6  叠加的两正弦沙纹高度b1b2对Bragg共振反射影响的计算工况

    Table  6.   The calculation cases of the influences by superimposed 2 sinusoidal sand ripple heights b1 and b2 on the Bragg resonance reflection

    case N b1/h1 b2/h1 d/m h3/m seabed slope
    1 4 0.32 0 8 6 0
    2 4 0 0.32 8 6 0
    3 4 0.32 0.32 8 6 0
    4 4 0.32 0.48 8 6 0
    5 4 0.48 0.32 8 6 0
    6 4 0.32 0 8 5.36 1/50
    7 4 0 0.32 8 5.36 1/50
    8 4 0.32 0.32 8 5.36 1/50
    9 4 0.32 0.48 8 5.36 1/50
    10 4 0.48 0.32 8 5.36 1/50
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    表  7  叠加的两正弦沙纹高度b1b2对Bragg共振相位和峰值的影响

    Table  7.   Influences of superimposed 2 sinusoidal sand ripple heights b1 and b2 on the phases and peaks of the Bragg resonance

    b1/h1 b2/h1 the Bragg primary resonance the Bragg subharmonic resonance
    seabed slope is 0 seabed slope is 1/50 seabed slope is 0 seabed slope is 1/50
    phase 2d/L peak KR phase 2d/L peak KR phase 2d/L peak KR phase 2d/L peak KR
    0.32 0 0.907 50 0.294 32 0.902 50 0.341 36 1.932 50 0.008 16 1.930 00 0.013 99
    0 0.32 1.922 50 0.048 29 1.917 50 0.075 74 - - - -
    0.32 0.32 0.940 00 0.617 77 0.932 50 0.653 00 1.967 50 0.173 14 1.967 50 0.237 05
    0.32 0.48 0.992 50 0.794 10 0.977 50 0.823 04 1.997 50 0.514 66 1.997 50 0.627 69
    0.48 0.32 0.947 50 0.808 67 0.933 50 0.846 34 1.982 50 0.393 53 1.982 50 0.498 45
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