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袁全 袁驷

袁全, 袁驷. 用交叉梁系比拟求解正交各向异性薄板弯曲问题[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(5): 518-528. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440232
引用本文: 袁全, 袁驷. 用交叉梁系比拟求解正交各向异性薄板弯曲问题[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(5): 518-528. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440232
YUAN Quan, YUAN Si. Analogic Analysis of Orthotropic Plate Bending Problems With Gridwork Systems[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(5): 518-528. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440232
Citation: YUAN Quan, YUAN Si. Analogic Analysis of Orthotropic Plate Bending Problems With Gridwork Systems[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(5): 518-528. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440232


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440232

国家自然科学基金 51878383

国家自然科学基金 51378293


    袁全(1993—),男,博士(通讯作者. E-mail: quany@tsinghua.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O342

Analogic Analysis of Orthotropic Plate Bending Problems With Gridwork Systems

  • 摘要: 采用交叉梁系结构比拟求解正交各向异性薄板结构,给出了两种结构在静力分析和自由振动分析中的相容性条件;对于满足相容性条件且仅含有简支和固支组合边界的相容问题,论证了其解答随着交叉梁系网格加密可收敛到正交各向异性板的理论解. 进一步建立了所有类型内力的计算公式,并给出了采用3D结构力学求解器求解的算法实施和数值算例(包括矩形板和圆形板问题),用以验证理论分析的正确性.
  • 图  1  交叉梁系结构

    Figure  1.  The gridwork system

    图  2  圆形板的8×8网格

    Figure  2.  The 8×8 grid of a circular plate

    图  3  不同网格前70阶频率系数误差分布

    Figure  3.  Error distributions of the 1st 70 frequency coefficients on different grids

    图  4  第5阶和第10阶振型(16×16网格)

    Figure  4.  The 5th and 10th vibration modes (16×16 grid)

    表  1  内力计算公式汇总

    Table  1.   Formulas for calculation of internal forces

    node average formulas
    bending moments $\tilde{M}_x=\frac{\tilde{M}_{x-}+\tilde{M}_{x+}}{2 b}, \tilde{M}_y=\frac{\tilde{M}_{y-}+\tilde{M}_{y+}}{2 b}$ $M_x=\tilde{M}_x+\frac{D_1}{D_y} \tilde{M}_y, M_y=\tilde{M}_y+\frac{D_1}{D_x} \tilde{M}_x$
    torques $\widetilde{T}_{x y}=\frac{\widetilde{T}_{x-}+\widetilde{T}_{x+}+\widetilde{T}_{y+}+\widetilde{T}_{y-}}{4 b}$ $M_{x y}=-\frac{2 D_{x y}}{H} \widetilde{T}_{x y}$
    shear forces $\widetilde{Q}_x=\frac{\widetilde{Q}_{x-}+\widetilde{Q}_{x+}}{2 b}, \widetilde{Q}_y=\frac{\widetilde{Q}_{y-}+\widetilde{Q}_{y+}}{2 b}$ $Q_x=\widetilde{Q}_x, Q_y=\widetilde{Q}_y$
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    表  2  ε=1.2时,工况Ⅰ的四边简支板的结果(a/b=1.2, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=1)

    Table  2.   Results of simply supported square plates under uniform loads for case Ⅰ with ε=1.2 (a/b=1.2, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=1)

    Nx×Ny α error δ/% β1 error δ/% β2 error δ/%
    12×10 0.532 5 5.75 3.316 3.61 5.048 3.66
    24×20 0.546 8 3.22 3.365 2.19 5.115 2.49
    48×40 0.555 4 1.70 3.398 1.23 5.169 1.36
    96×80 0.560 1 0.87 3.417 0.68 5.201 0.75
    analytical solution[1] 0.565 3.44 5.24
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    表  3  ε=1.2时,工况Ⅱ的四边简支板的结果(a/b=1, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=1.2)

    Table  3.   Results of simply supported square plates under uniform loads for case Ⅱ with ε=1.2 (a/b=1, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=1.2)

    N×N α error δ/% β1 error δ/% β2 error δ/%
    4×4 0.507 3 10.2 3.331 3.15 5.137 1.97
    8×8 0.525 4 7.00 3.325 3.34 5.016 4.28
    16×16 0.541 7 4.13 3.359 2.36 5.077 3.12
    32×32 0.552 4 2.24 3.392 1.39 5.144 1.83
    64×64 0.558 4 1.16 3.413 0.79 5.187 1.01
    analytical solution[1] 0.565 3.44 5.24
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    表  4  ε=2时,工况Ⅰ的四边简支板的结果(a/b=2, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=1)

    Table  4.   Results of simply supported square plates under uniform loads for case Ⅰ with ε=2 (a/b=2, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=1)

    Nx×Ny α error δ/% β1 error δ/% β2 error δ/%
    8×4 0.933 9 7.81 1.495 14.1 9.381 2.69
    16×8 0.970 1 4.24 1.684 3.22 9.386 2.63
    32×16 0.990 4 2.23 1.728 0.69 9.483 1.63
    64×32 1.001 3 1.15 1.739 0.08 9.556 0.87
    analytical solution[1] 1.013 1.74 9.64
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    表  5  ε=2时,工况Ⅱ的四边简支板的结果(a/b=1, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=2)

    Table  5.   Results of simply supported square plates under uniform loads for case Ⅱ with ε=2 (a/b=1, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=2)

    N×N α error δ/% β1 error δ/% β2 error δ/%
    4×4 0.952 0 6.02 0.986 43.4 9.580 0.62
    8×8 0.978 6 3.40 1.637 5.89 9.456 1.91
    16×16 0.992 5 2.03 1.739 0.04 9.490 1.56
    32×32 1.001 5 1.13 1.752 0.68 9.550 0.93
    64×64 1.006 9 0.61 1.749 0.54 9.593 0.48
    analytical solution[1] 1.013 1.74 9.64
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    表  6  固支圆板中心挠度和弯矩的结果(ε=1.2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    Table  6.   Results of central deflections and bending moments of clamped circular plates (ε=1.2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    N×N wc error δ/% Mxc error δ/% Myc error δ/%
    4×4 2.267 5.84 4.207 1.82 9.337 8.98
    8×8 2.170 1.31 4.145 0.32 8.766 2.31
    16×16 2.149 0.31 4.134 0.04 8.618 0.58
    32×32 2.144 0.07 4.132 0.01 8.580 0.14
    64×64 2.142 0.00 4.132 0.00 8.571 0.03
    analytical solution[1] 2.142 4.132 8.568
    multiplier qa4/(100Dy) qa2/100 qa2/100
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    表  7  固支圆板内点剪力和扭矩的结果(ε=1.2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    Table  7.   Results of interior shear forces and tortional moments of clamped circular plates (ε=1.2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    N×N Qx(a/2, a/2) error δ/% Qy(a/2, a/2) error δ/% Mxy(a/2, a/2) error δ/%
    4×4 18.462 3 0.64 32.775 4 3.54 2.714 7 8.75
    8×8 18.036 7 1.68 31.943 9 0.92 2.962 6 0.42
    16×16 18.287 5 0.31 31.662 9 0.03 2.976 1 0.04
    32×32 18.329 2 0.09 31.647 6 0.02 2.975 4 0.01
    64×64 18.340 8 0.02 31.652 0 0.01 2.975 2 0.00
    analytical solution[1] 18.345 31.654 2.975
    multiplier qa/100 qa/100 qa2/100
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    表  8  固支圆板边界点剪力和扭矩的结果(ε=1.2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    Table  8.   Results of boundary shear forces and tortional moments of clamped circular plates (ε=1.2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    N×N Qx(a, 0) error δ/% Qy(0, a) error δ/% Mxy($\sqrt{3}$a/2, a/2) error δ/%
    4×4 37.703 2.76 59.821 5.51 4.136 19.73
    8×8 36.950 0.70 61.331 3.12 4.817 6.53
    16×16 36.620 0.20 62.141 1.84 4.816 6.54
    32×32 36.528 0.45 62.653 1.04 5.000 2.96
    64×64 36.553 0.37 62.953 0.54 5.091 1.15
    analytical solution[1] 36.69 63.31 5.15
    multiplier qa/100 qa/100 qa2/100
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    表  9  固支圆板中心挠度和弯矩的结果(ε=2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    Table  9.   Results of central deflections and bending moments of clamped circular plates (ε=2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    N×N wc error δ/% Mxc error δ/% Myc error δ/%
    4×4 3.511 3.57 0.205 1 75.8 14.79 9.06
    8×8 3.417 0.79 0.683 0 19.4 13.86 2.23
    16×16 3.395 0.17 0.805 4 4.96 13.63 0.54
    32×32 3.391 0.04 0.836 8 1.26 13.58 0.14
    64×64 3.390 0.00 0.844 7 0.33 13.56 0.02
    analytical solution[1] 3.390 0.847 5 13.56
    multiplier qa4/(100Dy) qa2/100 qa2/100
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    表  10  固支圆板内点剪力和扭矩的结果(ε=2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    Table  10.   Results of interior shear forces and tortional moments of clamped circular plates (ε=2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    N×N Qx(a/2, a/2) error δ/% Qy(a/2, a/2) error δ/% Mxy(a/2, a/2) error δ/%
    4×4 9.104 9 53.48 45.098 2.34 1.437 4 15.19
    8×8 5.551 9 6.41 44.721 1.48 1.652 2 2.52
    16×16 5.876 9 0.93 44.107 0.09 1.689 4 0.33
    32×32 5.923 2 0.15 44.076 0.02 1.693 6 0.08
    64×64 5.929 9 0.04 44.071 0.00 1.694 6 0.01
    analytical solution[1] 5.932 2 44.068 1.694 9
    multiplier qa/100 qa/100 qa2/100
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    表  11  固支圆板边界点剪力和扭矩的结果(ε=2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    Table  11.   Results of boundary shear forces and tortional moments of clamped circular plates (ε=2, H=$\sqrt{D_x D_y}$)

    N×N Qx(a, 0) error δ/% Qy(0, a) error δ/% Mxy($\sqrt{3}$a/2, a/2) error δ/%
    4×4 18.482 55.77 79.800 9.46 2.370 8 19.24
    8×8 14.532 22.49 87.166 1.10 2.793 0 4.86
    16×16 12.924 8.93 85.884 2.56 2.772 4 5.56
    32×32 12.253 3.28 86.990 1.30 2.866 1 2.37
    64×64 11.971 0.90 87.556 0.66 2.911 3 0.83
    analytical solution[1] 11.864 88.136 2.935 7
    multiplier qa/100 qa/100 qa2/100
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    表  12  均布荷载简支方板的结果(例3,a/b=1, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=$\sqrt{1/5}$, ν=0.25, H=1.25Dy)

    Table  12.   Result of simply supported square plates under uniform loads (example 3, a/b=1, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=$\sqrt{1/5}$, ν=0.25, H=1.25Dy)

    N×N wc error δ/% Mxc error δ/% Myc error δ/%
    4×4 0.613 3.7 0.1276 8 2.61 0.3871 2 4.81
    8×8 0.637 2.0 0.1293 0 1.38 0.4116 0 1.21
    16×16 0.645 0.7 0.1301 8 0.70 0.4133 7 1.65
    32×32 0.648 0.3 0.1306 3 0.36 0.4111 4 1.10
    64×64 0.650 0.0 0.1308 6 0.18 0.4094 9 0.70
    analytical solution[15] 0.65 0.131 1 0.406 7
    multiplier qa4/(1 200Dy) qa2 qa2/100
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    表  13  四边简支方板前10阶频率系数的收敛比较(a/b=1, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=1.2)

    Table  13.   Convergence comparison of the 1st 10 frequency coefficients of a simply supported plate (a/b=1, $\sqrt[4]{D_y / D_x}$=1.2)

    order k 8×8 error δ/% 16×16 error δ/% 32×32 error δ/% 64×64 error δ/% exact solution
    1 17.192 2.80 17.052 1.96 16.911 1.12 16.823 0.597 16.72
    2 37.713 1.15 37.771 1.30 37.597 0.84 37.458 0.464 37.29
    3 46.090 -0.52 46.575 0.52 46.547 0.46 46.463 0.281 46.33
    4 66.522 -0.56 67.601 1.06 67.494 0.90 67.256 0.542 66.89
    5 71.057 -0.70 71.870 0.44 71.858 0.42 71.742 0.262 71.55
    6 92.493 -3.33 95.215 0.49 95.735 0.06 95.778 0.102 95.68
    7 99.007 -2.13 101.749 0.58 101.938 0.77 101.673 0.504 101.16
    8 112.074 -3.59 116.096 0.13 116.747 0.44 116.643 0.345 116.24
    9 117.058 -2.07 119.392 0.12 119.737 0.17 119.703 0.143 119.53
    10 143.185 -3.99 148.933 0.14 149.838 0.47 149.697 0.373 149.14
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    表  14  前70阶频率系数的最大误差(=第70阶频率系数的误差)

    Table  14.   Max errors of the 1st 70 frequency coefficients (=the error of the 70th frequency coefficient)

    mesh 8×8 16×16 32×32 64×64
    max error of the first 70 frequency coefficients δ/% 24.8 8.0 1.9 0.42
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