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解江 潘汉源 李漩 王立轩 蒋逸伦 冯振宇

解江, 潘汉源, 李漩, 王立轩, 蒋逸伦, 冯振宇. 内爆载荷作用下泄压容器准静态压力特性[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(10): 1236-1249. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430359
引用本文: 解江, 潘汉源, 李漩, 王立轩, 蒋逸伦, 冯振宇. 内爆载荷作用下泄压容器准静态压力特性[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(10): 1236-1249. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430359
XIE Jiang, PAN Hanyuan, LI Xuan, WANG Lixuan, JIANG Yilun, FENG Zhenyu. Quasi-Static Pressure Characteristics of Explosion Venting Vessel Under Confined Explosion[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(10): 1236-1249. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430359
Citation: XIE Jiang, PAN Hanyuan, LI Xuan, WANG Lixuan, JIANG Yilun, FENG Zhenyu. Quasi-Static Pressure Characteristics of Explosion Venting Vessel Under Confined Explosion[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(10): 1236-1249. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430359


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430359

    解江(1982—),男,副研究员,博士,硕士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail: xiejiang5@126.com)

  • 中图分类号: O383

Quasi-Static Pressure Characteristics of Explosion Venting Vessel Under Confined Explosion

  • 摘要: 为了研究泄压容器内部准静态压力特性,采用AUTODYN软件提出并建立了3种柱形泄压容器的数值模型,分别包括一端开口的敞口泄压容器、在开口处设有可冲出端盖的带泄压盖容器、将泄压盖与容器通过剪切销连接的带剪切销泄压容器. 以Bernoulli方程为基础建立了理论简化模型,模拟了敞口泄压容器内部的准静态压力;以能量守恒方程为基础建立理论简化模型,模拟了不同起爆药量下带泄压盖容器的准静态压力;最后,探讨了剪切销在剪断和未剪断时对带剪切销泄压容器内部压力的影响. 该文建立了文献中的数值模型,准静态压力计算结果与文献中的实验结果吻合情况良好,验证了计算方法的可靠性. 结果表明:敞口泄压容器内部压力衰减迅速,准静态阶段持续时间较短,以Bernoulli方程为基础的理论简化模型能够较好地预测泄压容器内部压力衰减至大气压力的时间;带泄压盖容器内冲击波沿轴向做往复式传播,以能量守恒方程为基础的理论模型能够较好地预测在泄压过程中的准静态压力;剪切销未剪断时,容器内部准静态压力呈现明显的平台效应;对比无剪切销的工况,18 mm直径的剪切销剪断后,容器内部压力变化趋势基本一致,泄压盖的飞出时间提前了0.25 ms. 研究结果可为泄压容器的结构设计提供理论基础和参考.
  • 图  1  3种泄压容器示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of 3 explosion venting vessels

    图  2  密闭爆炸容器数值模型

    Figure  2.  The numerical model for the closed explosion vessel

    图  3  数值模拟密闭容器内部冲击波超压时程曲线

    Figure  3.  The numerical simulation of shock wave pressure-time curves inside the closed vessel

    图  4  3种泄压容器几何模型(单位: mm)

    Figure  4.  Geometric models for 3 explosion venting vessels(unit: mm)

    图  5  内部压力理论计算值与数值模拟测量值对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison between theoretical calculation values and numerical simulation values of the internal pressure

    图  6  泄压盖速度-时间曲线


    Figure  6.  Venting cover velocity-time curves

    图  7  带泄压盖容器内部理论计算超压平均值与数值模拟测量值对比

    Figure  7.  Comparison between the average theoretical overpressure values and the numerical simulation values in the explosion venting vessel with a venting cover

    图  8  剪切销未断裂时容器内准静态超压理论与数值计算对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison between theoretical quasi-static overpressure values and numerical values in the vessel with the shear pin unbroken

    图  9  不同剪切销直径下泄压容器内部超压-时间曲线

    Figure  9.  Pressure-time curves of the explosion venting vessel under different shear pin diameters

    表  1  15-5PH材料参数[19]

    Table  1.   Material parameters of 15-5PH[19]

    parameter value parameter value
    density ρ15-5PH/(kg/m3) 7.78×103 E/GPa 196.51
    Poisson’s ratio μ 0.27 yield strength σy 1.077
    B 0.499 n 0.568
    failure strain ε0 0.22
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    表  2  JWL状态方程参数[23]

    Table  2.   EOS parameters of JWL[23]

    parameter value parameter value
    A/GPa 374 B/GPa 3.74
    R1 4.15 R2 1.4
    ω 0.35 E0/GPa 7
    V 1 density ρTNT/(g/cm3) 1.63
    detonation velocity D/(m/s) 6 930 Chapman-Jouguet pressure PCJ/GPa 21
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    表  3  本文准静态压力数值模拟值与文献[24]中的试验值对比情况

    Table  3.   Comparison of the numerical simulation quasi-static pressure in this paper and the experimental quasi-static pressure in ref. [24]

    TNT charge mass WTNT/g quasi-static pressure in the closed explosion vessel
    numerical simulation ρn/MPa experimental result[24] ρe/MPa error δ/%
    5 20.91 22.46 6.9
    10 42.03 45.10 6.81
    15 62.61 68.25 8.26
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    表  4  本文准静态压力理论预测值与文献[24]中的试验值对比情况

    Table  4.   Comparison of the theoretical quasi-static pressure in this paper and the experimental quasi-static pressure in ref. [24]

    TNT charge mass WTNT/g quasi-static pressure in the closed explosion vessel
    theoretical prediction pt/MPa experimental result[24] pe/MPa error δ/%
    5 24.06 22.46 7.12
    10 48.12 45.10 6.70
    15 72.18 68.25 5.76
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    表  5  对比不同剪切销直径对准静态压力与泄压盖出口速度的影响

    Table  5.   Comparison of the effects of different shear pin diameters on the quasi-static pressure and the cover velocity

    shear pin diameter d/mm quasi-static pressure when the cover reached the vessel opening pc/MPa velocity of the cover reaching the vessel opening vc/(m/s) time of the cover reaching the vessel opening tc/ms
    no shear pin 10.3 131.72 2
    10 9.09 125.9 2.1
    18 8.67 120.92 2.25
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