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葛仁余 张佳宸 马国强 刘小双 牛忠荣

葛仁余,张佳宸,马国强,刘小双,牛忠荣. 微分求积法分析平面接头应力奇异性 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(4):382-391 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420218
引用本文: 葛仁余,张佳宸,马国强,刘小双,牛忠荣. 微分求积法分析平面接头应力奇异性 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(4):382-391 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420218
GE Renyu, ZHANG Jiachen, MA Guoqiang, LIU Xiaoshuang, NIU Zhongrong. Analysis on Stress Singularity of Plane Joints With the Differential Quadrature Method[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(4): 382-391. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420218
Citation: GE Renyu, ZHANG Jiachen, MA Guoqiang, LIU Xiaoshuang, NIU Zhongrong. Analysis on Stress Singularity of Plane Joints With the Differential Quadrature Method[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(4): 382-391. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420218


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420218
基金项目: 安徽省自然科学基金 (1808085ME147);国家级大学生创新创业训练计划(202010363121)


    张佳宸(1996—),男,硕士生(通讯作者. E-mail:381610972@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: O343.4

Analysis on Stress Singularity of Plane Joints With the Differential Quadrature Method

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  两相材料平面接头模型

    Figure  1.  The 2-phase isotropic multi-material junction model

    图  2  平面接头模型1

    Figure  2.  Plane junction model 1

    图  3  β = 90°时,平面接头模型1的应力奇性指数

    Figure  3.  The singular index of stress in plane joint model 1 for β = 90°

    图  4  β = 15°时,平面接头模型1的应力奇性指数

    Figure  4.  The singular index of stress in plane joint model 1 for β = 15°

    图  5  E(2)/E(1) = 0.01时,平面接头模型1第1阶应力奇性指数λ1对应的位移和应力特征函数曲线图

    Figure  5.  Displacement and stress characteristic function curves corresponding to 1st-order stress singular index λ1 of plane joint model 1 for E(2)/E(1) = 0.01

    图  6  E(2)/E(1) = 0.1时,平面接头模型1第1阶应力奇性指数λ1对应的位移和应力特征函数曲线图

    Figure  6.  Displacement and stress characteristic function curves corresponding to the 1st-order stress singular index λ1 of plane joint model 1 for E(2)/E(1) = 0.1

    图  7  平面接头模型2

    Figure  7.  Plane junction model 2

    图  8  β = 180°时,平面接头模型2应力奇性指数

    Figure  8.  The singular index of stress in plane joint model 2 for β = 180°

    图  9  β = 135°时,平面接头模型2应力奇性指数

    Figure  9.  The singular index of stress in plane joint model 2 for β = 135°

    图  10  E(2)/E(1) = 3时,平面接头模型2第1阶应力奇性指数λ1对应的位移和应力特征函数曲线图

    Figure  10.  Displacement and stress characteristic function curves corresponding to the 1st-order stress singular index λ1 of plane joint model 2 for E(2)/E(1) = 3

    图  11  E(2)/E(1)=3时,平面接头模型2第2阶应力奇性指数λ2对应的位移和应力特征函数曲线图

    Figure  11.  Displacement and stress characteristic function curves corresponding to the 2nd-order stress singular index λ2 of plane joint model 2 for E(2)/E(1)=3

    图  12  平面接头模型3

    Figure  12.  Plane junction model 3

    图  13  β = 90°时,平面接头模型3应力奇性指数

    Figure  13.  The singular index of stress in plane joint model 3 for β = 90°

    表  1  η = 3.0时,平面接头模型1的第1阶应力奇性指数λ1计算值随离散单元数N的变化

    Table  1.   Variation of the 1st-order stress singularity index of plane joint model 1 with number of discrete elements N for η = 3.0

    β/(°)η = 3.0
    N = 4N = 6N = 8N = 10N = 12ref. [14]
    15−0.142 935 841−0.171 926 062−0.172 359 547−0.174 841 720−0.174 843 563−0.174 837
    30−0.172 189 244−0.168 084 637−0.168 357 284−0.171 008 990−0.171 010 442−0.171 006
    45−0.120 351 300−0.097 236 818−0.097 575 977−0.100 173 229−0.100 174 236−0.100 170
    60−0.042 900 476−0.008 193 459−0.008 995 020−0.011 148 934−0.011 150 916−0.011 146
    75−0.039 048 671−0.009 146 856−0.011 225 252−0.012 133 752−0.012 128 895−0.012 132
    90−0.072 175 519−0.480 812 299−0.050 550 470−0.051 075 515−0.051 073 963−0.051 074
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    表  2  η = 4.0时,平面接头模型1的第1阶应力奇性指数λ1计算值随离散单元数N的变化

    Table  2.   Variation of the 1st-order stress singularity index of plane joint model 1 with number of discrete elements N for η = 4.0

    β/(°)η = 4.0
    N = 4N = 6N = 8N = 10N = 12ref. [14]
    15−0.191 925 955−0.214 512 897−0.215 023 699−0.217 433 336−0.217 435 029−0.217 430
    30−0.205 239 132−0.198 498 506−0.198 833 494−0.201 426 794−0.201 428 700−0.201 424
    45−0.136 422 364−0.112 082 716−0.112 388 798−0.115 019 309−0.115 020 289−0.115 016
    60−0.042 586 733−0.006 382 054−0.007 046 986−0.009 334 714−0.009 339 771−0.009 332
    75−0.056 361 125−0.029 365 948−0.031 589 068−0.032 355 253−0.032 357 518−0.032 354
    90−0.092 606 092−0.071 003 905−0.073 550 960−0.073 999 146−0.073 998 571−0.073 998
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    表  3  η = 5.0时,平面接头模型1的第1阶应力奇性指数λ1计算值随离散单元数N的变化

    Table  3.   Variation of the 1st-order stress singularity index of plane joint model 1 with number of discrete elements N for η = 5.0

    β/(°)η = 5.0
    N = 4N = 6N = 8N = 10N = 12ref. [14]
    15−0.226 230 590−0.244 514 386−0.245 073 248−0.247 438 211−0.247 439 135−0.247 435
    30−0.226 503 691−0.218 078 739−0.218 450 970−0.221 009 453−0.221 009 756−0.221 006
    45−0.145 347 760−0.120 250 154−0.120 521 489−0.123 186 475−0.123 187 448−0.123 183
    60−0.039 263 008−0.001 610 141−0.002 117 127−0.004 559 442−0.004 551 847−0.004 556
    75−0.073 518 508−0.049 300 481−0.051 647 322−0.052 291 762−0.052 286 395−0.052 290
    90−0.108 633 756−0.088 879 155−0.091 481 239−0.091 875 053−0.091 874 796−0.091 874
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