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梁佳 高明 陈露 王东民 王治云 章立新

梁佳,高明,陈露,王东民,王治云,章立新. 基于格子Boltzmann方法的液滴撞击具有不同润湿性孔板的研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(1):63-76 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420076
引用本文: 梁佳,高明,陈露,王东民,王治云,章立新. 基于格子Boltzmann方法的液滴撞击具有不同润湿性孔板的研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(1):63-76 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420076
LIANG Jia, GAO Ming, CHEN Lu, WANG Dongmin, WANG Zhiyun, ZHANG Lixin. Study on Droplets Impacting on Orifice Plates With Different Wettabilities Based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(1): 63-76. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420076
Citation: LIANG Jia, GAO Ming, CHEN Lu, WANG Dongmin, WANG Zhiyun, ZHANG Lixin. Study on Droplets Impacting on Orifice Plates With Different Wettabilities Based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(1): 63-76. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420076


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420076
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51976127)


    高明(1982—),男,副教授,博士,博士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail:gaoming@usst.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O359+.1

Study on Droplets Impacting on Orifice Plates With Different Wettabilities Based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  Laplace定律验证

    Figure  1.  Verification of Laplace’s law

    图  2  模拟所得ξmax与Clanet模型[35]对比

    Figure  2.  Comparison of ξmax given by simulated results with Clanet et al.’s model[35]

    图  3  计算域简图

    Figure  3.  Schematic of the computation domain

    图  4  We对液滴撞击疏水孔板表面的影响($ \theta {\text{ = }}{120^ \circ } $L=20,H=10):(a) We=2.55;(b) We=7.95;(c) We=13.55

    Figure  4.  Effects of the We number of droplets impacting on hydrophobic orifice surface ($ \theta {\text{ = }}{120^ \circ } $L=20,H=10):(a) We=2.55;(b) We=7.95;(c) We=13.55

    图  5  We对液滴撞击疏水孔板表面的影响($ \theta {\text{ = }}{160^ \circ } $L=20,H=10):(a) We=2.55;(b) We=7.95;(c) We=13.55

    Figure  5.  Effects of the We number of droplets impacting on hydrophobic orifice surface ($ \theta {\text{ = }}{160^ \circ } $, L=20,H=10): (a) We=2.55; (b) We=7.95; (c) We=13.55

    图  6  疏水孔板ξ随无量纲时间变化

    Figure  6.  The ξ changes with the dimensionless time

    图  7  疏水孔板H* 随无量纲时间变化

    Figure  7.  The H* changes with the dimensionless time

    图  8  We对液滴撞击亲水孔板表面的影响($ \theta {\text{ = }}{60^ \circ } $L=20,H=10):(a) We=2.55;(b) We=7.95;(c) We=13.55

    Figure  8.  Effects of the We number of droplets impacting on hydrophilic orifice surface ($ \theta {\text{ = }}{60^ \circ } $L=20,H=10):(a) We=2.55;(b) We=7.95;(c) We=13.55

    图  9  We对液滴撞击亲水孔板表面的影响($ \theta {\text{ = }}{80^ \circ } $L=20,H=10):(a) We=2.55;(b) We=7.95;(c) We=13.55

    Figure  9.  Effects of the We number of droplets impacting on hydrophilic orifice surface ($ \theta {\text{ = }}{80^ \circ } $, L=20, H=10): (a) We=2.55; (b) We=7.95; (c) We=13.55

    图  10  亲水孔板ξ随无量纲时间变化

    Figure  10.  The ξ changes with the dimensionless time

    图  11  亲水孔板H* 随无量纲时间变化

    Figure  11.  The H* changes with the dimensionless time

    图  12  疏水孔板液滴的速度场($ \theta {\text{ = }}{160^ \circ } $L=20,H=10):(a) We=2.55;(b) We=7.95;(c) We=13.55

    Figure  12.  The velocity fields of the droplets on the hydrophobic plates ($ \theta {\text{ = }}{160^ \circ } $L=20,H=10):(a) We=2.55;(b) We=7.95;(c) We=13.55

    图  13  亲水孔板液滴的速度场($ \theta {\text{ = }}{80^ \circ } $L=20,H=10):(a) We =2.55;(b) We =7.95;(c) We =13.55

    Figure  13.  The velocity fields inside the droplets on the hydrophilic plates($ \theta {\text{ = }}{80^ \circ } $L=20,H=10):(a) We=2.55;(b) We=7.95;(c) We=13.55

    图  14  液滴撞击不同尺寸疏水节流孔板(We=13.55,$ \theta {\text{ = }}{160^ \circ } $)

    Figure  14.  Droplets impacting on different-size hydrophobic orifice plates (We=13.55,$ \theta {\text{ = }}{160^ \circ } $)

    图  15  液滴撞击不同尺寸亲水节流孔板(We=13.55,$ \theta {\text{ = }}{80^ \circ } $)

    Figure  15.  Droplets impacting on different-size hydrophilic orifice plates (We=13.55,$ \theta {\text{ = }}{80^ \circ } $)

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