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王金城 关晖 卫志军 吴锤结

王金城,关晖,卫志军,吴锤结. 壁面结构对三维可压缩气泡群影响的数值模拟研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(1):49-62 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420041
引用本文: 王金城,关晖,卫志军,吴锤结. 壁面结构对三维可压缩气泡群影响的数值模拟研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(1):49-62 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420041
WANG Jincheng, GUAN Hui, WEI Zhijun, WU Chuijie. 壁面结构对三维可压缩气泡群影响的数值模拟研究[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(1): 49-62. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420041
Citation: WANG Jincheng, GUAN Hui, WEI Zhijun, WU Chuijie. 壁面结构对三维可压缩气泡群影响的数值模拟研究[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(1): 49-62. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420041

Numerical Analysis on Effects of Wall Structures on  Bubble Groups

doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420041
  • 中图分类号: O35


  • 摘要:

    With the volume of fluid (VOF) method for a dam-break problem, the effects of wall structures on compressible bubble groups were studied through measurement of the spatial average pressure on the wall. An obstacle was set up at the bottom of the tank, which helps create air bubbles in the collapsing water impacting on it. Three kinds of structures were set up on the left wall, namely, a cuboidal structure, an ellipsoidal structure and a conical structure. It is found that when water hits the left wall, the topology of the bubble wrapped in the water will be changed by the wall structure, which leads to the change of pressure on the wall. The example analysis shows that, the cuboidal structure has the maximum effect in reducing the average pressure amplitude on the wall among those three kinds of wall structures. Especially, a proper adjustment of the position and the size of the cuboidal structure can eliminate the oscillation of the wall pressure.

  • Figure  1.  Geometry and mesh of the computational domain with ellipsoids, cuboids and cones: (a) ellipsoidal wall structures; (b) cuboidal wall structures; (c) conical wall structures

    Figure  2.  Initial configuration of the static water column (ellipsoidal wall structures)

    Figure  3.  Comparison between the results of the codes used in this study and the experimental data[23]

    Figure  4.  Comparison of the results from cases where grid numbers are 65 536, 524 388 and 1 769 472, respectively: (a) 0~5 s; (b) 0.4~1.5 s

    Figure  5.  The impact process of wall structures, water and bubbles: (a) initial state; (b) before generation of bubbles; (c) generation of bubbles

    Figure  6.  Wall pressure evolution in the case where ellipsoid height Lz = 0.1 m

    Figure  7.  Pressure and density distributions along the sample line at 0.5 s: (a) the sample line (white); (b) the pressure along the sample line; (c) the density along the sample line

    Figure  8.  Pressure and density distributions along the sample line at 0.57 s: (a) the sample line (white); (b) the pressure along the sample line;(c) the density along the sample line

    Figure  9.  Wall pressure evolutions: (a) the cases with ellipsoid height Lz = 0.2~0.8 m; (b) the case with Lz = 0.4 m and the no-ellipsoid case

    Figure  10.  Wall pressure evolutions and flow fields in the cases with ellipsoid height Lz = 0.1~0.3 m

    Figure  11.  Wall pressure evolutions and flow fields in the cases with ellipsoid height Lz = 0.5~0.7 m

    Figure  12.  Wall pressure evolutiond in the cases with ellipsoid height Ls = 0.2~0.4 m

    Figure  13.  The flow field in the ellipsoid wall structure case with ellipsoid height Ls = 0.4 m

    Figure  14.  Wall pressure evolution in cases with cuboid height Lz=0.1~0.8 m

    Figure  15.  Wall pressure evolution in cases with cuboid height Lz=0.15~0.25 m

    Figure  16.  The flow field in the cuboidal wall structure case with height Lz=0.2 m

    Figure  17.  Wall pressure evolutions in the cases with cuboid length Ly=0.1~0.5 m

    Figure  18.  The flow field in the cuboidal wall structure cases with cuboid heights Lz = 0.2 m and Ly = 0.5 m: (a) the flow profile; (b) the bubble contour

    Figure  19.  Wall pressure evolutions in the cases with cone lengths Lz = 0.1~0.8 m

    Figure  20.  Wall pressure evolutions in the cases with cone lengths Lz=0.2~0.45 m

    Table  1.   Boundary conditions of each variable

    wall boundary conditionoutlet boundary condition
    liquid phase fractionalzero gradientinlet outlet
    pressurebuoyant pressuretotal pressure
    velocityfixed valuepressure inlet outlet velocity
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-02-20
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  • 刊出日期:  2022-01-01


